Getting ready for your next running event? Take these tips into consideration! Curated with the help of Meghan King, PT, DPT, this fast fact sheet offers some great information to help you before you hit the pavement or treadmill!
Here are 8 Tips to Get You Started:
Tip #1: Take it Easy
After you’ve been training for months, remember that in order for all your hard work to pay off, you won’t want to exhaust yourself in the days immediately leading up to a race. Keep your routine to a light jog for only a mile or so.
Tip #2: Stay Off Your Feet
As much as you can, try to rest up and reserve your energy. Have family in town? Send them off to go sight seeing and join them later for a full, healthy dinner!
Tip #3: Carbo Load
To maximize the benefits of carbo loading, start 3 days before and continue until race day. Consult a sports nutritionist a few weeks before to come up with a plan that will keep you going and prime your muscles to store helpful glycogen energy sources.
Tip #4: Have Dinner
Don’t restrict! Eat what you normally would the night before a long run, several hours before you go to bed and give your body a chance to digest before getting a good night’s rest.
Tip #5: Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water beforehand! Give your body a chance to absorb fluids into your system, so you don’t overheat, and monitor your sweat loss throughout your training to figure out how much you need.
Tip #6: Prepare
Lay out everything you will need the night before a race, so you can be ready to go in the morning and not have to worry about forgetting anything. Pack a warm layer you can wear at the start to keep your muscles warm, as well as something to sit on.
Tip #7: Sleep Well…Two Night Before
If you don’t sleep well the night before, that’s ok! It’s more important to get a good night’s sleep 2 nights before the race to feel awake and ready to go.
Tip #8: Talk to Your PT
Lastly, let your PT know about your athletic goals! We’re here not only to help you recover from injuries but also prevent them and work with what you have to reach where you want to go!
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